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Stoughton June 21st 1936
Dear Folks.
A thunder shower at halfpast five this morning left us a very hot muggy atmosphere most of the day. but since dinner the wind got into the North changing the situation entirely to a nice cool day.

Lena came up right after dinner yesterday & brought me a willow tree, about a foot high, that I set out in the grove having no idea it may live & have just watered. she always brings me something, poor creature. kind hearted as she can be. she has just decided that she will go up to see her cousin Elizabeth on the five O'clock train, but wanted to know when you were coming so to be here & not miss you as I thought. I was in a hurry for the Harringtons had called up for us to be ready to go with them to Aron & from there we left Mrs Barry over to Brockton, then they brought me to their home after taking me through the big market in search of strawberries which we never saw a sign of there, but we drove through Fields Parkway home, they treated us all to ice cream cones at Johnsons restruant before we left Mrs Barry at the movies in Brocton she hangs on to me & is afraid of my falling I never saw any one better. she loves old people

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My lillies are blooming. 
The 7 sisters roses are in their prime now the ramblers are to bloom. the lawn was covered with snow on the mountain seedlings. which were to be mowed yesterday so I dug up a lot & transplanted them in time to save them. the rain coming kept them from wilting hope they live & do well they are pretty for fall & not many came up in the garden this year. cool this morning Monday [[/top margin]]