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Stoughton June 19th 1986

Dear Folks
We are still having cool weather to day seems muggy after the shower of last night. the radio says more showers through the day. I put on all my fertilizer aroun my plants yesterday thinking it would be soaked in by the coming showers that were spoken of in the news reports. every thing looks thrifty lawns are coming green again. tomorrow my lawn will need to be cut. I have boys come to cut it & they do it cheap 35 cents is the most I ever pay them these days.
Alice called me up for the first time since her return from the hospital. she seems about as usual. & says as soon as she is able shall walk up to see us. her  arm is improving seems as if she has been very unlucky. she seemed pleased with Gladys call. she made her on Memorial day & asked her to come & stay all night Forth of July. you know holidays are the only days she has off every body likes Gladys. she is so modest I wish she had a good home where she