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Stoughton June 15th 1986

Dear Folks,
We are still having rain four days of continuous rain, our May storm in June. this is bringing things up, lawns & vegetables it pours by spells, then soaks & up and at it again. hope the grass crop is good, Drakes milk man came over to let him cut the grass around our old place. a fortnight ago. I told him he could cut it & to trim it around this place also, hope he does. it looks so ragged out the back way & through the grove & get it soon. yesterday Maude called up to ask me if she should come over & bring the baby. so over they came in a taxie which she had come after her around five O'clock. they had been to her house to dinner after they all had been to church, even to the baby, he was so cunning he has all his teeth & he ate a big apple while he stayed. she brought in her bag, for him, a child who has very dainty cute ways, so good & is not mischiefy as most children, easy to control, a very pretty & loveable child where does he take it from? must be the mother. certainly he is the best child I ever saw, more like my little one I lost, if he were mine I would be afraid he would never live to grow up. she said she wondered what his uncle Sidney would say to him when he came. Maudes life is made easier from having him to worship. & I am glad she has

[[top margin]] PS I am up early. it has cleared off in the night & sunny. the milk man has just come. I am still so not to wake her up. 7 o'clock. the weather report is on at 8. it is cool North wind hope you are having cooler weather down there. my lawn is coming back & will need to be cut. everything looks fresh after so much rain.
Ma. [[/top margin]]