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something pleasant to live for. she carried a big boquet of her flowers down to the church & brought me some rare ones, heliatrope, three hansome verbena blossoms rare colors. & rose buds which are opening slowly, of rare colors one lovely & delicate pink a climber she said. she would have to leave her lovely flowers, they have just come in to look so pretty. the rock garden, they spent so many pleasant hours admiring & they both loved it, seems a shame to have to leave to strangers. she dont know what to do. its a pity Henry bougt his home, but he might not be the right one to have & make her life cheerful. she said she walked up to the cemetery Memorial day & stopped on her way back to Evelyn Giles so you see no one is looking out for her comfort. she tries to make the best of her life & does not complain. I am alone this after noon she is up to Lauras they met there to play cards. I have been busy writing & sewing. paper says pleasant tomorrow hope it is. no danger of fires right away. everything looks lush & green. I have just had my supper. [[Mamie?]] Kate & [[Myrtie?]] are riding around town they went to Taunton one day. she called me up to tell me she was overdoing & had to haul up, thats the trouble, she goes too much, looks very bad, another spell they are afraid of. Ruby is to be married to day. Every one is talking and saying they pity her. I guess she can manage as well as others have done before her, time will tell. he has an ugly temper & bosses her around even now, the grown up daughter is bad as her father but seems to think every thing of Ruby they say. I am listen in to the radio "Andy & Amos" but it does not get along much. Ma