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Houghton  June 14th 1936

Dear Folks
Thanks be our rain is here at last, after a 
cool week we got rain, it begun Friday & has been at it
ever since, the rain we have been praying for so long.
the ground is well soaked & puddles are standing in places
I hope it may be in time to save gardens they work so hard
to get things started early peas are all dried they claim.
strawberries have been high now they may be to far gone to be
saved by this. we had our first mess the other night for our
supper. she was meeting with the crowd in Worcester but
as soon as she arrived, I had her fruit saved on the ice
& she eat it with great relish it was a good treat to us
both they were 25 cents a box & natives just right in flavor.
schools are having their closing festivities this last week. I suppose Ruby gets through her teaching & will enter into a new
career will have Lucilles family where they have been
so friendly associated together & who knows whether its for
better or worse, time will have to prove.  I wish her all
the happiness she deserves for she certainly is deserving
of such a good mother & father she always used to a very