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Stoughton June 11th 1936

Dear Folks

The dry weather still continues, no wet in site, there are foggy nights & promises of showers we are having lots of wood fires.
yesterday was a gala day. the Harrington car took Mrs Barry over to Holbrook to have her hair fixed & then went to Wallaceton after his wife & boy & I was invited to go with him & after we got her on our return trip she stopped to get some ice cream cones as our treat. they are always very good to me & even come to help me unlock my door, so to see me safly in side before leaving me. then just quarter past 7 o'clock Mr Gebhart & his mother called to take me down to the church to see that play the "Sunbonnet Girl" put on by Mrs. Gebhart it was a great success the hall was well filled. Mr Gebhart was very attentive & kept hold of me as we came out of the church, the side door, to his car. his mother was also very attentive & jolly & seemed as if I had always known her. then after a while Mrs Barry came before the play began & joined us. they brought her clear to the church. some one from the beauty parlor who got a friend she was acquainted with to bring her over. we got home early, so I got in some good sleep & to day I felt all right. I had a very good time & was an invited guest Laura