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shouldnt she be content to live on & take comfort.

Mrs Barry went down to the church last night to practice her piece. she is going to sing tomorrow but intended to come home around eight. but Mr Marshall had her sing a dozen more anthems so she stayed longer. meanwhile the two women rode over from Taunton where Mamie Kate yoused to live in the same house with them to see Mrs Barry. they waited till most nine & then had to get back so they said they would come again. they are nice people & have taken us over there to see the house. I gave them a begonia to carry home which pleased them. they have beautiful flowers in their garden. & everything on a nice scale. I am sorry you had such bad luck at your school in spilling the ink all down the front of your dress but such thing do happen sometimes. I have just had the back lawn mowed. the front one is all dried up. so I save some in not having to mow it now. we are waiting for them to bring our groceries that also being our sausages for the dinner we are having some fine saucages. they are fresh & dont shrink up in cooking, neither do they rise on my stomac after eating I have got enough rhubarb out of the back yard, to make a pie so that will taste good also. I have not had any strawberries this year waiting for natives. but dry weather they say will spoil the crop they are 25 & .30 now I hate to order them for they need to be picked out for safe choosing. Ma.