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[[top margin]] PS Mrs Harrington brought me down some pretty pieces silks velvets & cotton goods, silk hankerchiefs & so forth. so today I picked out some thing that I covered my folding rocking chair & it has made quite an improvment. I think it looks well now - am going to rub up the wood work & it will be respectable I have it in my room before it was a disgrace now you would be surprised. Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton May 31st 1936

Dear Folks.

Pretty cool weather for the time of the year our stove keeps us comfortable. most every one runs their heater to keep from freezing these times. yesterday we went up to the cemetery & took Lena with us. Laura Gebhart was very kind & took me wherever I wanted to go. the cemetery looked lovely. & she remarked about it. the grave is still minus being covered with grass, I covered it with flowers & so made the lot look as well as possible. Lena said it ought to have some grass seed sowed over Pa's grave, you would think they would tend to it, the rest looks all right just that little spot is neglected, I should complain I suppose. but dont know who to speak to about it. then while we were up there busy putting the flowers on Myrtie & Mamie Kate came up to the lot to speak with us. we made a stop of over an hour, driving around & then came home leaving Lena & got home so to have our dinner at the usual hour. Gladys came in the afternoon, then called to see Alice, she had not heard of her sickness & being in the hospital. but guess she found her much better & probably pleased to see her. she is still working in

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PS The Harringtons brought me down some pretty pieces silks velvets & cotton goods, silk hankerchiefs & so forth. so today I picked out some thing that I covered my folding rocking chair & it has made quite an improvment. I think it looks well now - am going to rub up the wood work & it will be respectable I have it in my room before it was a disgrace now you would be surprised.
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