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Brockton + goes in + out every day. says her mother is well + still waiting for the old man to pass on, his doctor died long ago. last night about six O'clock I had a stranger come here to see me about something I knew nothing about, in connection with Hiram Crafts. it seems before he took up Christian Science he belonged to a society "Cantor" he said it was called + was founed by a German Proffsr + Hiram had books + manuscripts that were never returned to this society. he says they were an educated crowd of people. ...he was lucky to get a few of these after a while from Crane Avon, who Hiram before he left there to live in New Hampshire where he died, left them with Crane who also died + the son gave them to this man who says that after wards he met Ms Glover + she must have got hold of some of them, for in her first book of science of man + passages of these are traced throughout her book along with PP jumbeys writings which she also took + represented them as her own. he said this book they are getting up would be out in a few weeks + he would send me a copy. he knew all about Mrs Eddy + said it was a strange thing to him to see how this work of hers should have flourished considering the lies from which it sprung from. such a depraved person who represented it. but she had no education, a morphene subject, a liar + cheat from her childhood up. yet she accomplished through others what she did. well [[emphasis]]he seemed to be an educated + an honest man Ma