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Stoughton May 28th 1936

Dear Folks.
The weather has changed wind got into the North West during the night therfore to day is cooler, one almost needs a sweater to feel comfortable. sudden changes sum to be the order of the day this summer. a most beautiful sunset then a gorgeous big moon last night, certainly this world is fire to behold. a pity people dont see Gods work + appreciate the goodness of his ways, instead of commiting crime + following out their own gready inclinations. I am glad you are having a reprieve from work + having good times. there is no use to go through life like Pa did. all work + no play. hope you take some warning there in. take comfort as you go through life or you never have it thats sure. I called up Maude yesterday she is busy over to the house she always inquires after you + says she is coming over here. guess she is at a loss what she is going to do. a pity she cant have some one come to live in past of his house. so she can afford to stay there + still pay his way. ther same as Bill South worth is doing. its hard to carry on after losing ones husband, but its what one has to live through and make the best of however tough. think of ones mercies instead of