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bemoaning ones fate we feel better. be thankful for having had so happy a home and making it pleasant for him to live in. Pa said in his last sickness when he was thinking aloud "Once we had a happy home." I often think of it + its a great comfort he was always good to me + we loved each other. if Mystic is trying to make out to the contrary the old "blab." Mother came to me last in my dreams. she impressed it upon me to sheet the door on all filth. meaning her Mystic talk. her Reynolds called up Mrs. Barry [[?]] last night to have her sing once for himself + the second time for Mr. Marshall who wanted to tell her to sing the 14th the Firemen were to attend church and on the 21st the Odd fellows were to be there + he wanted her to sing for both, she always draws a crowd. every one likes to go when she sings. I tell her to let Lena know she is crazy to hear her the last time Mr Marshall said he wished I could have been there to have heard it. she sang so beautiful. she said it was not her who sang. that she was inspired the electric current was going through her from head to foot all the time. just as I feel when I get my messages from the other side. Mrs Barry is home to day sewing she has been washing windows on the outsid so I can put in the screens. my plants are just getting used to the outside. I water them after the sun goes down. they will look all right for memorial day. every thing looks thrifty. I cant dig around as I used to so have to let things go natural. this year Grandmas dark red peony is budded. I enriched it the last thing in the fall covered it in horse manure 