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Stoughton May 24th 1936
Dear Folks
90ยบ A warm day, with much air stirring, early to day I had the storm windows taken off + my screendoors put on. now I can have a draft through the house + live in comfort like other people. Bill brought Barry home Friday might from Hollbrook + screened my porch in, he dont ask me any thing, I offer to pay, he is very good to us. Gregory is looking forward to his bonus, he will be benefited by it + it comes when he is in need of money, although he is earning good money but says its piece work + no chance of a promotion.

Mrs Barry has just had a chance to ride down to the movies then she is going to see Mamie Kate while Myrtie is at Alice's she does'nt like Myrtie. thinks she is a mischief maker & sits cousin against her, guess she does all right, mischief making is her middle name, a regular 
 (Sal Elisha) its in Eunice Monk her daughter

Mrs Saulsbury stopped in on her way to see Lester Friday she told me the news about George Monk, says he is in a terrible state + she also. they dont know which will go first Beatrice is faithful also Newton the son does his part. they say Ike Marston commited suicide with a pen knife, it came out in the Globe. but he [[continued next page]]

PS The end of a hot day. I am here alone expect her now any minute. have had my supper. if this weather lasts must take Ice, it jumps from hot to cold very changeble weather. Mort Lamb is better, hav not seen Maude lately, must call her up. my flowers are going by fast. will not be any for memorial Im afraid. the Iris are to be in bloom they may be here so may the snow balls. all the little azalias are living. and scotch roses are budded Ma. 

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