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Stoughton May 20th 1936

Dear Folks

we are having another cool spell since the hot days of the last two high registered ones. that is the way our temperature is running this summer, a frost is mentioned for tonight. it certainly is cold today. Mrs Harrington was here yesterday afternoon. she came up stairs where I was working on my rug and poured out her troubles to me. she wants to sell the place & he does'nt [[doesn't]]. I think she will take the little boys & go so she can earn money & he wont sign any agreement to sell the place he says. his heart would break to give it up he tells us it would also break to have to give up the boy. she is too ambitious and he is the opposite. I told her it was a great mistake they made a great mistake in marrying. what can a third person do they are the ones to settle their difficulties. she being a Catholic will never get a divorce but the relations are strained, one can feel it on entering their presence. we pity them both she says he is lazy & Mrs Barry says no one can live with her, but we like her. The Christian Science people have acknowledged the old place as where Mrs Mary Baker Eddy lived when she wrote her book "The Science of Man" & have placed a big boulder in the yard 

PS Bill came last night tickled to death to tell us all about his journey. he sold his house which was down there it was the only one that was left standing but he & his brother built it strong on good foundation. on the water front so he was lucky to get rid of it. the furniture most of it had been stolen. awful thieves a neighbor was confiscating the rent. he looked up the man & got a clear title & was lucky to strike a party who wanted to buy the house he was smart. he told us about it. Ma