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a feast is prophesied for tonight in places. Hoover is delivering his speech. I guess you may get it in the paper tomorrow 

Stoughton May 14th 1936

Dear Folks

We were pretty warm here up to yesterday morning where showers went around us as usual, doing lots of damage loss of lives & property. so yesterday we felt the change but last night it rained here & showers of thunder & lightning were in other places, we escaped, then the wing got into the North West & to day its a lovely cool day & nice for the rain. to look down onto the lilac bush from the north chamber window its a pretty sight, then the flowering dog wood + the snow ball bushes are full of bloom, all the apple blossoms are out it is a pretty season of the year a pity the flowers are of so short duration. what is that little bell like flower white, that you sent with the bulbs I forget the name lots of those are coming, they seem to spread, & look like lillies [[Lilies]] of the valley, only they are larger. she loves flowers. the robin is building in the maple & jay in our pine so it shows she is not easily scart [[scared]] from having disturbed from her last seasons experience. our neighbors have another dog a homely animal Gertrude is bound to have a pet. she does

Transcription Notes:
looked completed, no additional transcription required.