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[[top margin]] Had my lawn mowed yesterday grass was high hard to mow, the boys are good workers. had some asparagas for dinner. still cold but warmer Ma [[/top margin]]

Stoughton May 10th 1936

Dear Doris

After three hot days the wind changed & today it is cold. we had our heat on to warm up the house. Mr Harrington came to take Mrs Barry over to Holbrook, so I went along too & had a nice ride & very pleasant time with him, while she was looking some things up in her trunks to bring over here. she can leave her trunks over in the house & Laurence is going to keep watch over them. coming home Mrs Barry bought two handsome ice cream cakes, too pretty to eat, & when we got to the Harringtons we set down to the kitchen table & had our picknic [[picnic]] of ice cream with them to enjoy. they entertained us, it was Mothers day. the Christian Science cult have erected a big boulder beside of the driveway & are going to put onto it a bronze tablet, to mark the spot where Mrs Mary Baker Eddy wrote her first book of Science of Man. we have worked hard to get this thing established. they give me credit for enabling them to bring this thing to pass. she is a persistent person & spares nothing. goes to the root of a thing she wants to accomplish. she is sure she can sell the place if she gets them to acknoledge [[acknowledge]] it as such