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taken up stairs in Mrs Eddys room with a shawl on. Bareta came in the evening she brought us a strawberry ice cream. she had it left after having company all day. it was delicious she is in a terrible state. all tired out from going the live long time. she is going + dont give her self time to rest. has a terrible time with her back (in pain) took a cold over a month ago. coughs & dont get over it. if she dont have a nervous breakdown I lose my guess. she may be worse than the mother if she keeps on as she is going. she is going night & day it does no good to tell her she says she has to go cant stop. lost two dogs kills them with kindness, stuffing them. (young puppies.) the leaves on the trees are coming fast. a growing season my grape hyacinth is out, also the narcissus & tulips, the scotch rose bushes are very much alive & hope they blossom. two of the Azalias are living. the dry season last summer, did them no good. violets are over the yard. & that ivy you got in the cemetery, is very flourishing & spreading also on full bloom, looks fine the jonquils are going bye, Maude took some home (blossoms.) they need attention but not able to do spading. the raking up leaves was enough, but I managed to get it done. dont know how & dragged them off. no fires this year hope I wont be around another spring to see so much that I used to think nothing of doing. it is hard to give up after a useful life of work, which I enjoyed so much. but no use to corn plains I guess ive  had my day, such is life, thankful I am as well as I am, old enough to retire perhaps. Ma