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Stoughton May 1st, 1936

Dear Doris

We have had the hottest day yet 80° around six o'clock our fire in the cook stove we let out after dinner. the leaves on the maples are coming fast such weather. I feel as if the out side windows should be taken off right soon. but it may be cool weather in a day or two. Me & Kay came over to his house so to fix up the house + bought a workman to fix up the two tenement he came over here for some drinking water, as his had not been turned on. he told me the family went away owing him for two months sent, on the right hand side. he says the couple in the attic are all right. I hope he may be lucky to let his house again soon. Maude came over last night. she is looking bad is terrible nervous & pale, she dont know what she is going to do. she had a chance to sell the place, we think she made a mistake that she did not sell it, but time will tell & she may be glad to get rid of it before the cold weather. she gave Ralphs water to Frank Soper & I guess he had worked hard enough for them to have earned it. she does not want to go down to little Henrys to live we dont think she is going to stand it long as she is. its a pity we have to carry on after our home is broken up