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Stoughton April [1936]

Dear Doris

  A starry Sunday it is clearing off about four o'clock.  I have just put on some rice to cook for my supper thinking it would go good for a change.  Mrs. Barry has just called up Eldon to hear how cousin made out with her x-ray.  they had a good clear picture of her hand & arm.  they said it was caused by a strain.  the ligament broke when she fell onto her arm & it had grown to another one & it would have to be ironed out & stretched by massaging by some one who understood the business.   it would mean a long time, aside from that, she was getting along fairly as well as could be expected, very weak though.  Myrtie was not there her afternoon off, so she could find out without so much blob from her, thinks she is witty.  Mrs. Barry sung in church & brought down the house, all loud in her praise.  they do appreciate her solos.  I would like her to sing once in the Universalist after Reubin Willises playing.  The robins were singing after it cleared off it sounded very spring like, a little woodpecker is on the tree over the porch now.  the spring is gradually coming forth maples showing their red buds, no leaves have appeared only on the lilacs & spice bush.  forcythias are in full flower still & jonquills & daffodills.  spring everywhere is coming late.  its so wet