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Stoughton April 1936

Dear Folks

  Dull weather still prevails. no sign of sun the rain seems over cool for the time of year. yesterday Mrs. Harrington came with Easter cards + an apron for Mrs Barry + a pot of daffodils for me + today Fred Leonard brought me a pot of Easter lillies from the church with a card in it saying for Mrs. A L Holmes in memory of Lena Dykeman from Grace Dykeman with four buds and three blossoms. so people remember me if I am no account. Fred Leonard asked me if I thought that Sidney would have any objections to his burning the grass around his old home place if he got a permit + was very careful. he said the old grass was tall + a cigar thrown carelessly down; would easily set fire to the house and near by houses would be in danger. I told him you would not be one to oppose it + guess it would be a good idea as far as I know. I called up Maude to know how she was getting along she said she had been to church + Edith + Henrys folks were there to dinner. so she seemed well + happy with plenty going on around to interest her. she gets down to Bertha Uphams so guess she is all right at present. Lena may come up today if she is well she goes to church with Mrs Legg