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Stoughton April 20th 1936

Dear Doris,

We are having cool weather this month with the wind in the North West & lots of clouds. the oil is still needed to heat up our rooms. no fun in going outside. today is a holiday & a good many go in to see the race I suppose.  curiosity is great.

Lena came up last night Mrs Barry thought she looked bad she had a queer color it seemed to me, she did not make much talk with me. I was up stairs when she came & was not noticed much, they did the talking both had the platform I was willing awful talkers. she spit out something hateful about Lottie Crane, by the way, did you know that J Aires got a divorce from Charlotte on desertion. she has the costody of the children, he bought a house up in the woods in dry pond, so Lottie told me & wanted his wife to go there to live, she refused so he got his divorce. the marriage made that family miserable they never got over it it was the cause of Ellis death so Lottie said & she says if they have to go to the Poor house he will be the cause of it.  Frances nailed up the barn door over to Blake house & Leonard will burn the grass so the place will be made safer. that Tate boy in this neighborhood is still doing mischief Addie had to go