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is back early and seems to be waiting to build his nest near the house. I have been raking the leaves away & it seems more tidy. Percy has got a job of spraying trees for the town. it is better than nothing. he was awful discouraged after losing his job in the factory & Alice was made sick so it brought on her old trouble with her face & she lay in spasms over an hour at a time. they had Myrties grandchild Catherine down there to care for them. they are down & out a subject for pity sure. Myrtie is feeling pretty perky over her job. she lets people in to see Mamie Kate & then keep looking at her watch so to let them know their time is up for staying. she told Mrs Barry yesterday that Mamie was tired out with having so much company. & she said to her its not so. its her life to see folks. & if she cannot live its better so they dont tire her nearly as much as her old blob. no one likes Myrtie these times she is so full of her importance. Mrs Gebheart is coming to take me to ride she says one Sunday she came & could not raise anyone. she rang the bell six times no one answered. I was out back of the house raking leaves that time no one here - so she says next time she comes she will look around he premises. she is a kind hearted women if blunt like all Germans hope you get home without any mishaps Ma