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well the pictures came yesterday. I had not been used to seeing her with the hair combed off her forehead. but we both thought it was a very good likeness. she had a grown up & serious look on her face and was not self contious as she was in her last years picture. it was good we both thought. Pete McGarveys wife told Blanch yesterday that the bank was well guarded as they feel that it is liable to a break any time since they caught some of the gang as it seemed an easy one to get into. so much crime these days we dont feel safe. we hear from Myrtie every day she calls up to see how Mamie is & Myrtie is very nice guess she was mighty glad to get the job. Vermont would be pretty tedious such weather. We are missing Southworth these days & often say we were glad we sent him that nice letter before he went. The little white kitten over to Drakes fell down the well so Hazel Drake told us Sunday but could not get out because of the slippery stones, ice at the bottom. so George McGarvey got a long ladder of Petes & put it down the well & the little thing ran up & was saved. wasn't he glad to get up? you bet he was. a smart little thing. well every dog has his day & cat too. Ralph keep about the same still resting up guess they dont take their car out much this winter. We dont hear from them much. Mort still has a cold guess we will be glad to welcome spring all of us. the frogs peep in March