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PS Sunday morning it was 8° above. this afternoon Bill came & brought us an ice cream pine apple & huschocolate. after that he took her home & she is going to stay to supper he says he will bring her home around seven in time to hear Major Bows on the radio. going to be cold now the sun is very pleasant. 4'Oclock. I feel that the ground will eat his shadow this day if ever. so six more weeks of winter I guess we will have according to signs


Stoughton February 1st 1936

Dear Folks

We are still in the midst of zero weather. the wind in the night blew from the North West our oil is burning out. we keep it very low day times & nights but in spite of that our fuel goes very fast, in little over a weeks time & we cannot account for it. I almost wish I did not exist. Careta says her burns out just the same in a weeks time, it it simply dreadful. it makes one crazy almost. Bill was here last night with his hand done up. he is much better so he works some. he had her take off the bandage so we could see it. started from a hang nail. then he got cold in it. & had a terrible time. I dont think he ought to come out this cold zero weather. he is careless but is a worker, a very kind heart & helps Lawrence. They have begun to sand the streeys they are very slippery from coasting. no sidewalks we are supposed to walk in the middle of the streets & to look out for the auto's. I dont dare to go off the steps. at four O'clock the thermometer is just 20° & growing colder another zero mark