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PS It has turned to a warmer snow in the air temperature. hope it don't amount to much-Ma.

Stoughton January 26, 1936  

Dear Folks  

We are still having cold weather, the wind however has subsided. it takes oil & it burns out in a week what it should last two in mild weather. it worries me I shall be glad to see this cold weather come to an end. Mrs Barry sings to day in church a very hard piece a solo she will draw a crowd in spite of 8° above temperature. they all are crazy to have her sing. Mamie Kate is improving. but still a bed & well cared for as usual. I am glad you enjoy your drawing it must be a delightful recreation these times. Bill called up to say he had a nail stuck in his thumb & was suffering mortal agony from the effects all the week & wanting to know of her, what he should do & Lawrence is used up from shoveling snow. a lame back. & sleeping in the damp cellar with an oil stove for heat. so you see folks that are here are having it hard all around. I hope Bill will not have to lose his hand he is a help to us in many ways. He was going to fix my windows so the panes would not drop out from poor putty. Mrs B has just arrived full of good cheer at the