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Lottie Crane called up yesterday for a talk. she said she was alone. her children are working & to school she said Ellis was working for a man on a hen farm he got little pay but Francis was shooting up six feet tall & that she missed her mother. I guess Charlotte goes to work somewhere doing odd jobs. I hear Jimmie is living with another woman dont know how true it is but if he stays away from the Cranes he will do well I am filling my driveway ruts in with ashes. some of the trucks are not driving in snow as much. I dont see Lena much she is not feeling very well these days. she was pretty well satisfied with her women in the house, so guess she will stay but what supports her? she is living on the fat of the land, as they say. she tells what she has. the last time she was telling about cooking turkey thats too high for poor folks. fowl is 30 cents a pound. every thing is high in the meat line. so she must find money some how. I am living as simply as possible. lamb is what I have just ordered for the week end 22 cents the lowest on record in the Enterprise. Well I hope you got the pincushion for your birthday. I made it xmas time. & did you get Barrys x card you had not mentioned it. now hope that you are well & not getting stuck in the mud Ma