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Stoughton Jan 11th 1986

Dear Folks

We have had a mild week only one rainy day but little snow. January is usually a very wintery month. I suppose we shall get it yet. but no use in borrowing trouble untill it comes. I am sending along that little apron I have just made and it may come in handy to wear with her blue dress. I am sewing on those pillow cushions covering them with creton, so dont need anything else, so dont bother about any pieces of cloth, for patch work, or yarn, as there is not anything needed in that line of work. I think you will have to adopt Hugo. he seems so faithful in looking out for your interests. Colcord is no better or no worse he seems to enjoy life so Gregory said better than he ever did when he was up around. he is liable to live this way for some little time. not so very old, no one knows how they are going out. a shock may make it harder for those who take care of him. she wanted to know if I knew of any one they could get to help take care of him. she has got a woman coming from Whitman to day to help them care for him