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[[left margin]] PS Mrs Colcord called up the other day to asked me if I knew of any nurse she could get to come there to help take care of Mr Colcord. he is no better or apparently no worse. I think it would be a hard place to fill as no one would stay long. Mr. Colcord might be willing to nights. he is not liable to die unless another shock takes him. I pity Gregory Ma [[/left margin]]

[[top margin]] [[faded]] just a light covering of snow & warm early in the morning. [[/top margin]]

Stoughton January 7th 1936

Dear Folks

Now we are having a warm spell with wind in the South ground bare no snow so far. it has clouded in since noon & looks like rain. our drive way looks bad every thing drives in, baker, grocery, oil truck. Harrington is the only one who has respect for us he don't. Nellie Standish called up to ask Barry to go with her to the movies this afternoon. so they have gone Saturday there was a fine one on & they went. it was little mice with Santa Clause & a cat pictured out Mrs B said she wished little Doris had been there to have seen it was so true to life they were so cunning with their little noses stuck up & their little tails wagging. children go Saturdays in the afternoon generally they are noisey, but they were still & very much entertained then with the play. it was so natural. 

Bill was here Sunday & took Mrs Barry down to see her Cousin Mamie Kate she is sick a bed angina of the heart. she has been too much lately over done