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Stoughton January 2nd 1936

Dear Folks
We are well over the holidays. another year is opened & we hope it turns out to be better & not so full of disasters & crime. it really seems dreadful to read of so many tragedies taking place in the countries from day to day. the Lindbergs are fully justified in getting out of their country where they suffered so much, & to feel safe where crime was punished & not so much leniency shown to criminals. I think if they are afraid to electrocute Hopkman why in heavens name don't they give him life imprisonment & end this delay. the country cannot afford it & besides he is not worth so much, the lawers are the only one who are profiting by it. they don't do it in other countries. they simply come over here to do their deviltry because they get away with it. its a disgrace.       Estelle Perkins come to call on us Monday. I was very glad to see her. she stayed a long time & told us all about Mrs. Churchills death. she feels badly, but she simply when to sleep & died of old age without any suffering. her organs in good condition apparently a good woman. I have missed her for I always used to stop in when on my way to see her. she used to love to have me. the Griffins were not at her

[[top margin]] P.S. Bill has just called up to say he was coming over tonight if we had no one here & was not expecting anyone over. he is expected over in a few minutes, he always comes over in a blue buick. a down good fellow just the same. the little sewing basket I love it is very trim & handy. 
Ma [[/top margin]]