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Stoughton May 18th 1945

Dear Doris 
Its a rainy time, showers everyday this week the sun comes out occasionally a thunder shower went around in the night I guess this must be the May storm but its not very cold hardly need much fire. 
I managed to get the Leonard boy here last night to mow the lawn he did part of it & will finish the rest tonight after he gets home from school. he is a little worker & I like him. I walked down over the hill & managed to get him. 
After she went to the Chikataubut meeting yesterday afternoon she had company. a big car with a shofer drove up to the house. it was her cousin from Worcester their mothers were sisters & has sister Allie from New Jersey was with him she came on to attend a meeting she is the head of it was American Sisters of the Revolution or something like it 

Transcription Notes:
Changed "+" to "&" (symbol for "and") edited: changes and corrections