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March 3rd
Started on our journey. Left Ameca & travelled in a westerly course all day & camped at a ranch at night. Ever since reaching San Luis Potosi the middle of Feb'y my heart has been giving me trouble by palpitation & weak action. I lay this to the fact that I suffered an attack of the "Grippe" on my way to Mexico from Washington. Today my pulse ranged from 90-98.

Mch. 4 Resumed our route & travelled some miles in a westerly course to the ranch of Huachinango & then a southerly course to the small town of Atenguillo. Made about 33 miles. My heart worked at the rate of 120 to the minute in the P.M. & I was thoroughly exhausted when we reached the town. We went to a meson on the small plaza. The people of the house seeing that we were heretics gave us a room as far from their own part of the house as possible & I was amused to see the manner in which they avoided as much as possible having anything to do with us even to the avoidance of saluting as is the common custom in the country. Their manner led me to believe to be true the tale I heard that in a meson in this region somewhere