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Mch. 6th. Made 18 m. to a ranch called Jacala in a S. Westerly course & stopped for the night. The ranch is well fitted up as a meson where we were well rec'd.
Mch. 7th 18 miles in a SWesterly course brought us to Talpa (3700 ft.)

After a few days at Talpa we left them on Mch. 12 for San Sebastian by way of Mascota. We returned along our old road a few miles passing through a narrow cañon some 4 or 5 miles from Talpa. On our way in we noticed many piles of[[strikethrough]] rocks [[/strikethrough]] stones along the sides of the trail when we passed this cañon [[strikethrough]] on our way in [[/strikethrough]] & on the way out I counted them. In going about half a mile there were 43 & inside of 2 miles over 70 piles were counted. The fact that each one of these piles marked the spot where someone had been killed made them very significant & we felt safer when we were out in the open country again. Our packer said that some of these piles were to mark the places when robbers had been killed in fights with [[strikethrough]] ba [[/strikethrough]] the people but mostly they marked the spot where travellers had been killed. 
The statement made by the hotel keeper in Talpa that the roads had never been at all dangerous in this vicinity but only near Ameca had there