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been robbers was scarcely [[strikethrough]] bourn [[/strikethrough]] borne out. Soon after leaving this caƱon we crossed a narrow valley & I stopped to get a photograph of a pine tree. Meanwhile the outfit had gone out were lost to sight beyond some low belts of oak & pine woods. They had gained half an hour or so when I started at a gallop to overtake them. A winding trail led through the woods along an irregular slope & finally brought me out on the border of an open grassy area through which extended a low ridge which sloped down to a little [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] stream on each side. The road passed over the top of the ridge & led along near the summit on the far side. Just as I came out of the forest I saw a party of six armed men riding slowly along near the bottom of the slope opposite the road. From my position I caught a glimpse of our outfit with Goldman at the head disappearing from view along the trail. The 6 men were keeping parallel to him but were concealed from his view by the intervening ridge. These men were going along in single file & were constantly watching in the direction of our outfit & were evidently moving along