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chester on a broad open slope would have made a number of reformed bandits in short order. A couple of hours later we reached the dilapidated weather worn little town of Mascota where we stopped for dinner in a small Meson. In this place I was surprised to meet a middle aged Englishwoman (a Miss Proctor) who was travelling by herself with a native moso. She has been in SW Zacateca & over much of the country. 
Mascote is in a low flat valley with low mts at each side. At the lower end of the valley we came to a small hacinda El Tajo where we asked for accommodations for the night & were told that we could sleep in the part of the corridor in front of the stable & corral. On asking for the privilege of using a part of the long open corridor in front of the house we were refused & later I took my circular letter & showed it to the owner who then gave me the use of an unoccupied room & the following morning had coffee prepared for us.

Mch 13th
Went on today out of the valley & over a series of mt ridges & canon until we came to the top of a sharp ridge & saw a deep canon leading down from our feet. We had been on arid slopes all day where stunted oaks & pines & scanty herbage made up the vegetation   But we now descended into a fine forest of oaks & other trees

Transcription Notes:
"chester" is the completion of "Winchester."