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with vines, bushes & herbs [[strikethrough]] all [[boellea.?]] [[/strikethrough]] with brilliantly green foliage. This change was due to the fact that we were now on the slope facing the sea. Following the cañon some 8 miles we came to a little group of huts called milpillas. It was a little over 3000 ft. & coffee & bananas were planted about the huts giving a picturesque air to the squalid surroundings. I found the only available place for us to stop was on the dirt floored corridor of the largest house here which was made of adobe. Here we remained several days to work the cañon & were repaid by a nice lot of birds & some good mammals. The house was filled with several families each with several small children all of whom seemed to be ailing & from morning to night the air was full of their shrieks & wailing. The owner's brother was in the house nearly blind from some eye trouble & one of the children was nearly blind from neglected filth on its face. These people having the universal horror of clean water if it is to be used to bathe children or themselves.
March 19th
We went on 5 miles to San Sebastian, a little mining town situated picturesquely in a cañon leading down from a high mt. The principal mines & a mill & patio for working ore at this place belong to Barron & Forbes and the manager here is Mr. Alfred Beck, an English speaking German. We went down & called on him and he treated us very cordially.