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These quail were extremely numerous in the [[con?]] dense forest or jungle on this plain & covey after covey were seen or heard close by the road. We found quarters at the Hda. of Ixtapa under the shelter of a thatched roof covering a paved court at the front of a house occupied by one of the [[??]]. Under this roof Dr. Audley C. Buller, brother of Gen Buller of the British Army, committed suicide by shooting himself in the head over a year ago. He bought this hacienda & afterwards became insane. He made various Nat. Hist. collections in this part of Mex. during several years.
This place with the one adjoining is now in the hands of Mr. Beck to whom we were indebted for further hospitality here. Quail, [[Wagler's??]] Chocholocca & Penelope [[??]] were more common here than we have ever seen them in any part of Mex. & extremely tame. The Chocholoccas & Pheasants were found in the tops of wild fig trees mornings feeding on the ripening fruit & 20 or 30 could have been killed of the pheasants. They walked about in the tree tops sometimes a dozen in a tree. [[??]] were also common. Mr. Beck has had some discouraging attempts at farming here owing to the heavy floods that have twice swept away his crops.