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great & created a laugh among those at the next table.
every day they were seen carrying on their courtship about the yards & roofs. The crows were nesting in fig trees & in the cocoanut palms. The third day after we reached San B. we were surprised by the arrival of C.L. Herrick, & his son Harry & Mr. Maltby. They are out on a general collecting trip from Socorro N. Mex. & are en route to the Tres Marias Is. As we have arranged to go there I invited Herrick & party to go with us.
On April 20 Goldman & I took our boat & left for a short trip to Isabel Is. We set out in the eve. & stood off shore with a faint land breeze all night. In the morning a calm fell soon after sunrise followed by a sea breeze at about 8 a.m. We put in the entire day trying to work up the coast against the wind. The wind was very fresh part of the day, but our old style lateen sails caused us to make so much leeway that we gained but little and finding soundings some 6 miles off shore we anchored in the eve. A heavy swell was running & made it very uncomfortable. Making a fire in our sand box & had supper, ([[tea?]], dried meat & dried bread). At dusk & until well into the night we heard a curious humming sound much like the croaking of many frogs at a distance blended into