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a doning & rather musical sound. Our men said it was made by a fish called the [[strikethrough]] con dor-i [[/strikethrough]] Con-do-ri. Later in the night shrill cries were heard all about us evidently coming from some bird - later on we found it to be the Sooty term. Several times they were hovering close over the boat evidently examining it curiously. Now & then a school of fish passed along with a great splashing & turmoil in the water.
April 21
Today we continued our beating up the coast & again anchored off shore in a rough sea & passed an uncomfortable night waiting for a land breeze that only came at near morning. [[strikethrough]] The a [[/strikethrough]] This failed us while still 6 or 8 miles off the Island & we were fortunate enough to be able to row in shore before the head wind showing up at about 10 a.m. As we drew near the Is. we were [[strikethrough]] surp [[/strikethrough]] pleased to see parties of Gannets of two species & two terms pass us on their way seaward & the higher parts of the Is. was seen to be surrounded by a cloud of soaring  [[???]] birds. [[strikekthrough]]?? [[/strikethrough]] We got into a little cove by running the boat across [[strikethrough]] some re [[/strikethrough]] small reef and the swell & landed on a gravelly beach occupied by nesting gannets which shrieked & scolded & pecked viciously at our legs as we passed among them to some scrubby trees or bushes. [[??]] ropes & a piece of canvas [[??]]