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head wind & anchored at night midway betw. shore & Isabel Is. in 15 fathoms. Mudbottom. 
During the day saw shark, porpoises, gannets, manowar birds & a few petrels. 
In the evening the sunset was exquisitely beautiful. A broad array of clouds in strata & [[strikethrough]]thin[[strikethrough]] small thin cumuli was brilliantly colored with gold & purple changing constantly as the sun sank lower until it became brilliant crimson & then carmine in place of gold while the purple shadows deepened. The hazy atmosphere was filled with the most brilliant effulgence of the clouds & the island seemed to be a glorified rock as the sun set directly behind it. At dark & for several hours  after we heard a curious bass note repeated apparently all about us. This our men said was by a fish called "Condori" No land breeze this night & the sky overcast. The shrill cries of birds were