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Trip to Isabel Is- near San Blas - April 20/97 with my asst & 3 boatmen left San Blas at 8P.M. One boatman drunk & the sand flies very numerous along the shore& keeping with us nearly all night. The land breeze carried us slowly off shore until at day break we were in sight of the two nearest of the 3 Marias. The sea breeze replaced the shore one at 9 a m & we had it from the NW. so we [[stood?]] inshore again. Tacked back & forth all day & at night anchored near shore only about 18 miles from San Blas. Saw a few Man- of war birds & gannets, and 1 tropic bird. Also a shark & once dolphins with golden  bodies & brilliantly blue fins & some porpoises. 
On Apr. 21 we spent the day in beating up against a