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Stoughton October 22nd, 1948

Dear Doris 

Cold & cloudy day we are having & snow all around us north & west next it may be Massachusetts the thermometer doesn't much over 40 degrees I hope you are having warmer weather. I feel sorry about Sidneys back from the way you both pitch into work it is not to be wondered at. I am sending you a clipping that came out in the Enterprise last night about Lottie Crone from Charlotte now is left all alone in the house I pity her. The mother is better off free from her troubles I hope. 

Gladys came here last night around 4 o'clock she stayed till long after dark. Mrs Barry was to movies. when she started for home after supper it had begun to rain. it seems that man she is interested in has been married twice & Divorced to two women. he has a big house he lets, lives in Medford she told Mrs Barry all about him. but said nothing to me about it. she better remain single, it shows he cant get along with any woman. We should be very careful who one marries so many are unhappy these days.

The sun has just come out hope now it may grow a little warmer as the day advances. She went down to the bank & then to the movies so to get a ride home with Winnie Trollope.