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Stoughton September 10th 1948

Dear Doris
Another pleasant day & cool this morning. I suppose you are hustling around as usual. washing every thing in sight. I have just sent off Ilgas letter to you. thinking she may expect you are here still.

I am expecting the Leonard boy over to do some painting any minute. she has just called his mother up on the phone to see how they were. it seems Rachie was very calm, all through the fire nothing troubles her. but they are at a loss to know how the fire started. Leonard was the one who first discovered it & if it had not been for him they would have been a great deal worse. we heard the alarm & the all out ring. & knew it was very near. it woke me up out of a sound sleep.

I am sending along a clipping that came out in the paper last night it was the first we knew about the fire. we both wondered why the boy didn't come over the day seemed so pleasant. if he come to day I shall be surprised. he don't ammount to much. there is energy lacking or something. the father is the same. that is why Elizabeth has to take state children to help support the