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family. I hope he will get the peaks around the house painted before you arrive. guess he will have to work harder than he has yet though. he spills more paint than he puts on. it makes me nervous to watch him. we have just given Perpells an order the first since you left. we were out of bread & had griddle cakes for dinner yesterday & they tasted fine. she lived fine all the time she was up to Fannies they had fresh vegetables out of their garden & she brought home some cucumbers they were nice & fresh. Norma has just called her up to talk on the telephone. she spoke of seeing Doris. was glad she came up too.

I was wondering who that man was that came here with Gladys while you were over to the hospital seeing about taking the aunt of that girl. sister of the girl you went to see. do you supposed she has got an old man going with her at last. a widower. hope she has. an old maid is no company for anybody. I hope this reaches you before Sunday. I am going to send it now by the mail man if he comes this afternoon. she is going to the movies this afternoon & will take it down. so she says. it will go early. the boy came to pain & says Rachie came right home would stay over in Brockton.
