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Stoughton August 6th 1948

Dear Doris
We are having cool & comfortable weather this week & it seems nice. the radio weather report says rainy day for us today.

Mrs Golden brought us over a big piece of his orange flavored bread & he electric cook my little stove, we can use on our kitchen table when we dont have to do any baking so we dont have to make up any fire in our coalstone hot days. She has a big electric stove & dont use it daytimes her two boys are away working on their grandparents farms this summers so when my lawn needed to be mowed she found a nice boy to do it. Wednesday. he did a good job we liked him very much. So yesterday she brought over some painted tray to show us. Little Susie came with her, I love that little girl, she is awful nice. I have just been down to get your two postal cards the mail man has just brought here. 

Now we have decided to let you have that week to go back with Sidney to attend that Scientific meeting you mentioned in the letter. Mrs Barry says she will try to arrange it, if possible. to the best of you all. she needs a vacation I think very much gets awful nervous & don't sleep good nights.