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she thinks. her house was ravaged after it was empty, before she came there to live after Arthur Talbot, her father died. I guess there are plenty of those mischief loving brats in that neighborhood, if the truth were known. 

I am writing this letter in the upstairs front room where the cool air comes in at the front windows. I am glad to think you will be home soon Sidney needs a vacation & guess you all do. Doris seems to be pleased with her job down home. we had a nice letter from Dolores both Mrs Barry & I she remembered. hope she is having an easier time down home. her folks should look out more for the little girl. 

Well Mrs Barry is going to play cards up to Phoebie Hills this afternoon, with Laura, & Careta so I shall have plenty of time to do my washing undisturbed. & a good day to work all by myself. The little Calder boy told his mother he had a good time visiting Mrs Holmes, she was all alone. and "he played the Organ & she played the Cook koo clock". he is a nice little boy he stayed here two hours.
Love Ma