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she pretends she missed Dad but if the truth were only known I guess it were a happy missing he was crazy & she didnt have to wait long before she got his money she is having electric lights put into the house & all the modern improvements so life up there wont be so bad 
     My rambler roses are all out also the pink cabbage the severn sisters have most gone by also the white rose my tiger lillies are in bloom & the little lilly you brough up from the cellar (fairy lilly) I see is just showing its first bud I try to water those seeds every day you planted they are growing fast  love Ma
       90o in the shade at 2 Oclock P.M.
Mrs Blake,
     I think it a splendid thing for Mr Sidney to have a vacation of a week from here he is one of the finest men I have ever met and should have a complete rest and relaxation before he has a nervous collapse from overwork
     Therefore you can make your plans accordingly as I shall not leave until Saturday August 21st
         Very sincerely yours
            Blanche A. Barry