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after my little Albert was buried I went there to take care of her & stayed until Allie her daughter came there to live. I dont see any little apples on the tree in the backyard but when she gets home she will take a glass she told me to look up there. I lose my balance if I try to look up over my head at things when on the ground. I went out early this morning to put water on the seeds in the box & around the white rose bush where you planted them. I found they were coming up & growing fine. The nasturtiums are a finger high my day lilly grows. That doesn't blossom until August. But never looked any more thrifty. The fairy lilly, is growing I look every day to see if its budded yet. I am glad Doris is advancing in her work also that she likes it. I wonder if Dolores  mother liked those nice clothes, that Mrs Barry gave her, funny we haven't heard a word from her. since she left.

I think we were all of us pleased with Dewey getting the big presidential election. Truman was in long enough. yes Saltonstall was allso  good he would serve any office well.  this is the weather to enjoy a good swim.  I hope you got one down to the beach. its getting pretty warm up stairs, so guess I will go down where the rooms are cool.

love Ma.