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Stoughton June 23rd 1948

Dear Doris

Summer has begun very nice & pleasant 60° early this morning. hope it continues. I was surprised to know you had such rain & tempests glad they didn't mature here. they were predicted. everything is shooting ahead with so much rainy weather my nasturtions are a finger tall & those little Wallflowers  are growing every day while those you planted are going right ahead also.

Frank Toomey came over yesterday to see us. I showed him around the yard looking at the flower beds. We spoke to him about the Ballantines & he is of the same opinion that we are. that Miss Seriack is all right, she never says ill of her sisters family but they cannot say enough about her to every body.

We have just been over to the old place to do some work in the barn  but couldnt find the key to the pad lock on the nail where it was always kept it. where did you put it when you were there do you remember? please tell us as soon as you can write again.