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the day I have got plenty of work to occupy my time in serving this afternoon, while she goes to the movies. going without her sleep as she did all night, she has to get out to take up her time & mind. I found a pair of yellow socks out on the porch in the window which I thought must have been left there by Dolores so you can take them home to her when you are here on your vacation. well now I hope this will find you all well & rested from your hard work love to you all Ma. 

Stoughton June 9th 1948
Dear Doris,
I am glad you are having it easy. Up here we are anything but warm we are having thunder showers every night & torrents of rain pouring down it hailed & poured all through the night both times I slept never woke up till morning. but Mrs Barry was wakefull she worried for fear the window in the bath room would blow in & the room be flooded the hail kept coming down all through the storm; it said in the radio news, we hadn't had such a storm for ages. the lightning did lots of damage also the thermometer this morning was down to the 46* on the porch. We need