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Stoughton May 2nd 1948

Dear Doris
We are having a nice warm sunny day it seems good after being so cold. was glad to see the May month come in althoug things seem to be coming along trees are just leaving out but no gardens are starting yet. Friday that little Store down below us was moved up nearer the house, it stands now just in front of them, this side of their sidewalk. it must make the house pretty gloomy.
I have had a nice ride just got home. Charley and Gladys came just as we were having our Sunday dinner. they wanted to know if we wanted to take a little ride. I haven't been to ride for an age didn't it seem nice. we rode up to Brockton then came home & rode around town they have gone home now. Mrs Barry has gone over to the hospital to see Cora Brock & Maude then may call on the Ballantine before she comes home. this is the warmest day we have had all the spring. I have washed my clothes & they have all dried since morning. so I took them in. Our trees have not many of them leaved out. just started & some are in bloom, they must have been dogwood trees, my dogwood tree is not yet in bloom. the leaves are just showing green. I noticed it was still alive being on the North East side.