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as they say they can get no one to take her place. so have offered her a big salary to return & then they want her to come to California to lecture for six week. they will pay her expenses there & back, give her lodgings in the best hotel, with an enormous salary in the bargain, so I guess she feels pretty well fixed. she must have braines. she got three different Sunday papers to read they were never brought up to read the Sunday papers. the mother thought it wicked. her mind seems broader. living away from home was an improvement to her in many ways. We hav'nt seen Doris since last Thanksgiving. I suppose she will be here now pretty soon we feel she is busy with her studies & going out with her chums to dances. no matter if she dont take up with (Jews). the Colcords are against Mabel going around with such, but that may lead to worse results than as if they approved it. one cant be any too careful who they choose to marry & much better to marry the one you love.
Mrs Talbot has sold her house on the corner where the Rings used to live, to a man who works in the Cooperative bank. I think his name is Clark. he comes from Westborough. the place is in much better condition than it was when the Rings lived there. she had it insolated. they didnt even have the house plastered. too bad the Pupelloes had such luck. hope they can sell to good advantage. this is a hard season though for everybody where money is so scarce. love Ma